My personalized sleep plans and support could have you sleeping through the night, NEXT WEEK!

Ready To Reclaim Your Sleep!

Reclaim Your Sleep!

My personalized sleep plans could have you sleeping through the night.

I’m Raz Franklyn,


I’m a devoted wife and mother to three spirited little girls, who snooze soundly for 11-12 hours every night! You know what that means, right?! Evenings at our house involve quality time with my husband, sharing a glass of wine and catching up on our favorite shows before settling in for a full night of uninterrupted rest. Sounds perfect? Just imagine—in just a few weeks, you could be living this dream too!

Do you dream


Grab my FREE guide with my 5 step solution to solve your babe’s night wakings!

3 months- 7 years




Starter Snooze

Our starter sleep plan is perfect for individuals who feel confident in their ability to follow through and just need clear direction. This affordable option includes one week of support from me, making it ideal for those ready to confidently take the next step towards achieving their sleep goals.



Comprehensive Snooze Solution

Our comprehensive sleep plan offers full support and is designed for those ready to fully commit to their sleep goals and could benefit from extra guidance. This package includes two weeks of support from me, ensuring you have the accountability and assistance you need to effectively kickstart and implement your sleep plan.


All Inclusive Snooze Solution

Our maximum support sleep plan is ideal for those seeking the highest level of support and guidance. This all-inclusive package is perfect for addressing nighttime and nap challenges, as well as more complex sleep issues. It includes three weeks of support from me, providing ongoing accountability and personalized assistance to help you maintain commitment to your sleep goals.

  • "Raz saved my life! I was struggling with my baby's sleep, but her non-judgmental approach and expert guidance helped us find peace, sanity and rest."

    — Ashley M. Mom of 8 month old girl, Los Angeles, CA

the process

I’ts very simple

Find an ideal package for you and your family

Step 1

Step 2

Follow a personalized plan to attain your desired outcomes

Step 3

Sleep through the night, EVERY night!

  • "Working with Raz was like talking to a friend. She listened attentively and provided practical solutions that transformed our sleep routine. I highly recommend her!"

    — Ashley M. Mom of 8 month old girl, Los Angeles, CA

Navigating the world of sleep hurdles, from soothing a baby who only sleeps in your arms to taming a bedtime tantrum-throwing toddler, can feel isolating.  But fear not, because that's where I step in to lend a helping hand.

Here are some of the many benefits of working together!

  • Personalized schedule so you can plan your days.

  • A plan to eliminate bedtime battles.

  • My proven method for improving short naps and night wakings.

  • A written plan for future sleep challenges for reference.

  • Unwavering support during the process to help answer all the “what if’s”

  • A child who sleeps through the night and parents who are binging netflix.

But let's be real, You’re running on empty…

You love them

  • "Thanks to Raz, I finally got my life back. Her caring demeanor and deep understanding of child development made all the difference for my family."

    — Kacey R. Mom of 5 month old, Los Angeles CA

Support is key

Sleep Training is MORE than following a method.

My approach to sleep training isn't just about adopting a method; think of it as putting together a unique puzzle where every piece is essential. I take a holistic view, considering not only your child's temperament but also your family dynamics, parenting styles, and daily routines.

But here's what truly differentiates my method from other providers: I'm not just handing over a sleep plan; I'm stepping in as your personal sleep-training ally! Imagine me as your trusted best friend on this journey, always ready to provide unwavering support, offer non-judgmental advice, and help troubleshoot any bumps along the way.

Knowing that you have me by your side for anything along the way, is the support piece that turns sleep challenges into triumphs and creates lasting success! Together, we'll celebrate every small victory and overcome obstacles, ensuring that the entire family can enjoy peaceful nights. Let’s make sleep something your family looks forward to!

Does this resonate with you?

“I just need them to sleep; I'm completely exhausted!”

“The endless fussing and crying at bedtime gives me so much anxiety.”

"Being tied up all day without a moment of peace is exhausting.”

“My toddler runs the show at home.. help!”

“I feel so much guilt constantly which I know leads to bad sleep habits.” 

“I need ME time again, I feel lonely
and lost!”

“I'm too worried about my child's sleep to even think about going out at night.”

If this resonates with you, I'm here to help! Every family I've partnered with started just where you are now, and it's incredible how quickly we can turn this around and make sleep COOL again. Ready to make sleep a dream again? Let’s do it!

Need your sleep back?

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Start sleeping


Start sleeping 〰️